Men At Work

With all the recent goings-on in my life, this feels like a great time to do some updates that are all about the gents in my life:

Maybe Single Guy has been upgraded to Definitely Single Guy, but with some recent shady behavior on his part, appears to need a patch for his social awkwardness glitch. DSG is a bit self-centered, as I've come to find out. And I'm still quite puzzled by his motives of friendship or moreship. And without a true one-on-one, I haven't had the chance to explore that question. Then he ditched me, which isn't cool. DSG calls to ask if I want to go to the gay dance club. I say yes, call me when you go. I'm still waiting for that call, one week later. You know, everyone forgets, so that's cool. But have the decency to say, my bad, sorry about the ditch. It's reasonable to me. And when he does call, it's like a drive-by calling. "Heywannahangoutokayseeyabye!" Click! I think he's training for a talkathon or something. I'm starting to wonder if he's worth the time. I need a laugher. And he rarely laughs. Dude really needs to de-frazzle.

I called Ambiguously Straight Guy this weekend to hang out. He has class this weekend, so it was a negatory, but he told me "I'm glad you called, I've been thinking about you." Oh, is that so? To hear him on the phone, it sounded like something you say to a person you've dated and kinda lost touch but want to reconnect. He wants to get together this week. Oh yeah, and last week when he dropped by our office to set up a computer, he found yet another excuse to touch me when we were talking. Oh, ASG, you are a mystery.

My British Boss JP asked me to chair the search committee for a couple of new advisors in our office. I was quite thrilled to be approached because I have wanted to chair this committee since I knew we'd open a search. I was on the last committee and loved the process. Now I get to stretch my legs a bit and take on a new responsibility, so that's exciting. Plus I can dust off my human resources education and put it to practical use. Cheers, JP!

While out at the Gayest Non-Gay Bar with some friends, I noticed this guy working there that I'd seen before serving at a restaurant in town. He basically looks like Sideshow Bob from The Simpsons, but cuter and gayer Lenny Kravitz but thinner and gayer. And he was totally checking me out. I remember him being a bit odd, but the eye contact kept going on, and he is a seemingly available man. Next time I see him, I should strike up a conversation with Sideshow GayBob Thinny Kravitz. I do like the hair!

And this Friday, Aaron will be coming into town for the premiere night of Snakes on A Plane! We both have our T-shirts, and a crew of eager SoaP fans has been assembled. Expect a full debrief with pictures after the event!

** S-minus 4 Days and Counting **


Unknown said...

SoaP baby! YEAH!!! :)

Man, I am really going to need a better visual comparison than Sideshow Bob, Chris...

Bubz The Troll said...

Does gay Sideshow Bob sound like Kelsey Grammer? I'm assuming the whole Sideshow Bob look has to do with the hairstyle rather than a curious lack of a chin and abnormally large feet.

Anonymous said...

DSG doesn't seem like he's worth the trouble, at least as far as moreship goes. Maybe it's because I'm putting myself in your shoes, but that type of behavior would drive me crazy, and not in the good way but in the "I'm envisioning how much fun it would be to strangle this person" type of way.

And it's nice to know that Ambiguously Straight Guy remains ambiguous. Will his mysterious ways ever cease?

Army said...

Okay, so maybe Sideshow Bob was a horrible analogy, but I tell you it was because of the hair and the thin frame of the guy.

So I've decided to change his nickname to Thinny Kravitz - same hair, same skin tone, but just a bit more svelt. Better imagery?

Army said...

And yes ramblergirl, nothing pleases me more that ASG continues to effortlessly weave a fairly tale, and like any great illusionist, never shares the trade secrets.

Bubz The Troll said...

Thinny Kravitz does sound better. Doesn't bring up images up psychopathic Republican clowns.

Unknown said...

Love the Kravitz analogy. He's HAWT!

Anonymous said...

Are phallic references and analogues to this "Snakes on a Plane" thing on my part: a) juvenile b) cheap Freudian nonsense c) revelatory of latent issues of my own d) all of the above e) both none and all of the above?
Laugh. Or ....

Anonymous said...

Hey, why don't I know about this Thinny Kravitz character? Was that at our fave martini bar? If so, a) I totally know who that cutie is and b) I *love* that you recognize that that joint is crawling with the gays. ;)

Where is the SOAP entry?!