Snow Day!
It's been a long time since I've had a Snow Day off school. As a K-12 boy, I'd get so excited at the prospect of a Snow Day at home. I'd wake up and switch on the radio, waiting impatiently for the DJ to utter my school's name. Or I'd glue my eyes to the TV as the school names at the bottom of the screen flashed by. "C'mon, c'mon, pleasepleaseplease," I'd recite under my breath.
There were of course the variations on a traditional Snow Day. One hour delays were a blessing and curse. Give the plows some extra shovel time, and typically the school would be able to inhale, sucking reluctant children into its knowledge-vacuum belly. The two hour delay, though, was just a layover to freedom. It was the last-ditch of a indecisive superintendent. Nothing was grander than the cancellation the evening before. Late night + free day = pure joy!
Fast forward to today's blizzard in Illinois. Granted, it's no 100+ inch dump like northern New York experienced, but for us, a foot of snow is above our threshold. Long story short, our illustrious University eventually ruled in the case of Class v. Closing. Or as I like to dramatize it, Death v. Bruised Ego. They ruled in favor of the people - thanks blessed University! Thou art wise.
Snow Day from work! It's like an 80's flashback worth remembering.
When shoveling the driveway this morning, I helped two people free their trucks from the drifts. It was fun to help them, and it allowed me to meet two neighbors I hadn't known before. And our first meeting cast me in the role of a hero, so that has to pay off somehow, right?
Now I'm listening to the "Songs for Polarbears" CD from Snow Patrol. How fitting, eh? It's 23 songs of compilation heaven. Next is hot chocolate with some mint Bailey's mixed in.
And yes, I purposefully capitalized Snow Day because I consider it a formal holiday worthy of celebrating. It's certainly more uplifting than that sappy capitalist day coming up tomorrow...
But as not to leave on a grumble, and in recognition of the holiday that shall not be named, I send you, my dear readers, well-wishes of love, tolerance, understanding, and compassion. Think fondly of your fellows and the rest shall follow.
-- We now continue with my irregularly scheduled Snow Day --
I think Snow Days should be National Holidays... If one area of the country is off, we should all be off... I love snow and want my own Snow Day...
I loooove a good Snow Day. I was envious of you guys today, because I didn't want to go to school. Then a crack addict went insane at the prison today, keeping my psych prof from the school! So... Yaaaay! lol
Kelly, if I could send you a snow day across the country, I'd do it for you! ; )
They've already called off tomorrow, so I have a second day at home!! They haven't closed our university in 28 years, and we've had two days in a row : )
Allie, we got off for snow, and you got off for blow! LOL - I love a good crack story...
I read this while sitting at home Wednesday morning hoping that my own college will cancel classes due to the blizzard that's just begun here. So far, no classes cancelled, because my college sucks.
Maybe tomorrow! Hope for me please!
I'm rooting for you, ramblergirl! There has to be some benefit for living in Vermont (besides Ben & Jerry's).
Your story conjures up my own memories of getting halfway dressed for school, and Mom calling out to me sweetly, "Go back to bed, school's cancelled." And me fairly leaping back under the covers. What bliss!
Army, WAY back in the day when I was in school, I had to WALK the .9 miles, in the snow, rain, etc. (and no, not UPHILL both ways), so I REALLY remember enjoying those days when school was closed!
While we didn't get the blizzard conditions that you did, we were socked pretty hard, but even then I only got 1 day off work. I hope you enjoyed your 2 days off. After all, you don't get HALF the days off from work that you should be!
You know I was loving and living it up on my SNOW DAY!!!
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