Lost In Translation
Have you ever looked at someone and just thought, "Are you a dork in your country, too?"I saw this Asian guy on campus today who (god love him) was all decked out nerd-like in a mismatched way with crazy bad hair and 80's glasses, and it hit me. This guy cannot be cool in his own country. Or can he? Is it possible for someone to be a complete goofus in one place and a total mack-daddy studcake in another? Could two cultures really view the same person in such a totally different way?
I'm not sure that's possible. But then again, he did have a girl. And there I was. Casting my judgment and working my joke angle on this guy. It reminds me of this particular song...
It goes something like, "I started a joke, that started the whole world laughing. But I couldn't see, that the joke was on me." Hmm.
This post started out funny in my head... and now I've been sabotaged by my own line of thought. Somehow the geeky guy has upstaged me. Stupid brain.
Well, I don't know if it's quite the same way with men, but different cultures seem to place different values on women. Armpit hair is not considered nearly as revolting in places like France, for instance. But... we are talking about France.
Once you know how to laugh at yourself with the world, it's not so bad. Don't you think?
PS. I like nerds...so maybe that's his angle. :0)
And of course, Adva, you also happen to like Asian nerds the most!
Just remember, even the Fun 'n Games guy has a girlfriend!
Aaron, too true!! Even the arcade guy had a girl. Man, I think the solution for me is to get a girl. Now that's something I could do easily enough!
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