An Idle Mind...

Conversation transcript from this afternoon:

JP the British Boss: "I rather like the book and think it will be a great text for the class."

Army: "Sounds like it. I've always wanted to read it myself but never got to it."

JP: "I looked over some other books, but they didn't really stand out like this one. There was one by a guy name George Siemens, and it was okay. And you know, his last name, well... (trails off)"

Army: "It isn't very becoming, is it?"

(Childish laughter from both parties)

An idle mind is the devil's workshop! And I'm living proof : )


Anonymous said...

And what's great is that I can picture you both having that conversation... LOL!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it....

and stop doing work when i'm not there! :0)

see you tomorrow.....

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

Sometimes my inability to resist saying stuff like that is evidence of my having Tourette's syndrome or something. Guess I'm not alone.

Tim said...

haven't seen anything since the attack on campus, and I was just hoping your were okay.

Army said...

Tim -- thank you for checking in with me. I have been fine, just rather silent without much to share.

While the gunman was a current student on our campus, he was at another university when he attacked. Even so, I shudder to think that he could have been here instead.