Back from Arizona!
Hey all -- or should I say, hello to my one reader, Allie!
I made it back from Arizona after an amazing trip. I plan to put together a website to share pictures and experiences that I had during my extended visit. Until then, I hope you enjoy these panoramic shots I put together using the wonderful PhotoStitch. All hail its wonderment!
Hey, you have more than one reader!
Granted you have no way of knowing that because I hardly ever comment, so it's my own fault. :)
Pretty pictures.
Did you go to that glass bottomed sky walk over the grand canyon?
I still read!
Beyooeeful!! I need to check out this Photostitch about which you speak!
+1 reader, albeit a sporadic one! :-) Great pics! I love making panoramic too!
Oh, my people! You like me. You REALLY like me! I'm so validated.
I appreciate your readership (and commentship, too). Keep up on both of those, when you have the time.
Bubz, I did not go on the Skywalk for two very good reasons: it wasn't open yet and it was five hours away from where we were.
And actually a third reason, which is more for the principal. I want people to walk on it for at least a year before I set foot on it. They said the Titanic wouldn't sink. Nuff said.
BKW = Troll.
Welcome back, gurl.
Hey attention monger! It's not enough that I read the blog, now I have to comment everytime?? Takes away from the thoughtfulness!
Your loyal reader,
PS. Nice pics, can't wait to see more!
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